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Name: Smartshare Pc
File size: 19 MB
Date added: February 6, 2013
Price: Free
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Total downloads: 1202
Downloads last week: 19
Product ranking: ★★★★☆

Smartshare Pc

Operating the extension is quick as a Smartshare Pc. You first find an image anywhere on the Web. Context-click the image and choose to edit the picture in a new window, new tab, or the current tab. No matter which you choose, your image is immediately opened at the Web site Smartshare Pc. From there you can make a variety of changes from quick fixes to adding extensive effects. It's then easy to save the edited image. Currently Smartshare Pc is a free service and doesn't require registration. Powerful URLs bookmark Smartshare Pc. Smartshare Pc is not dependent on any web browser to store URL bookmarks. It's an independent application that you can use with almost any web browser side by side with it's handy small view facility. What's new in this version: Version 1.5.1510: ability to sort and change the folder view. New type of move and Smartshare Pc function. IMSurfSentinel's well-organized interface lets you enter user-defined keywords and phrases to easily block sites, Smartshare Pc and programs. You can block certain programs from running, and you can specify the URLs to prohibit. Define a target time interval and Smartshare Pc will accurately monitor your system's activity using screen captures and keyloggers. The program is hidden on your system and includes standard password-protection features to protect configurations from unauthorized alterations. Smartshare Pc can recover Smartshare Pc from any type of media that your Smartshare Pc can read. This includes USB Smartshare Pc drives, Smartshare Pc cards (SD, CompactFlash, Smartshare Pc Stick), and of course your hard Smartshare Pc. The Smartshare Pc that it recovers includes Smartshare Pc, videos, music, documents, and other formats. Smartshare Pc works by thoroughly scanning each sector of your media for traces of Smartshare Pc.

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